Abstract must be submitted through

Please register and use your credentials to manage your abstracts.
In case of authentication issues following registration, please follow the instructions using the “Retrieve your password” function

Register at the abstract platform and follow the steps:

1.Choose the type of preferred presentation. The definitive type of presentation will be decided by the Scientific Committee upon acceptance of the abstract.

2. Add the title and indicate the preferred topic of the abstract.

3. Add the complete list of authors: e-mail, name and surname, affiliation (university/company and department/unit) and country. IMPORTANT: Please select the presenting author as “Contact” in the author page.

4. EACH AUTHOR CAN UPLOAD UP TO 2 ABSTRACTS as presenting author, whereas there is no limit of abstracts as co-author.

5. Submit the abstract and follow the link to upload the abstract in .docx format.

The uploaded abstract will be available on the platform as soon as the session chair accepts the file. Each abstract is numbered, please use the abstract number for any communication or assistance request.
Please contact in case of technical problems and indicate in the mail subject the number of the abstract (provided by the abstract management system).

Please use the following instructions to prepare your abstract:

1. The abstracts must be uploaded in .docx format.

2. Use the Abstract Template to format your abstract: save the template to your desktop and complete it. Follow the template closely. Please type over all the text in red and delete all instructions and examples before submission.

3. Maintain font type, size, empty lines and paragraph format, and page format (margins, header, footer, line numbering)

4. Page format A4 with the following margins: upper 2,5 cm; lower, left and right 2,0 cm.

5. Abstracts not submitted using this template will be returned for correction.

6. Follow the instructions for adequate layout of the abstract

  • Abstracts must be prepared in English language, should be concise and clear, and follow the classical setup which includes background, methods, results, and conclusions.

  • Abstracts must contain no more than 2500 characters (spaces included, excluding title, authors, affiliation and funding) and 1 page (from title to funding).

  • Abstracts should clearly and concisely outline the CONTENT of the presentation and should include key points/issues to be addressed.

  • Images, tables, text boxes, references and keywords are not permitted.


Please be aware that authors who submit abstracts but fail to register and pay for the Conference by the 31st March 2025, will have their presentations removed from the program and their abstracts will not be inserted in the Abstract Book.


All young scientist (<35 years old) who checked the box “application for award <35 years old” during the submission of the abstract will join in the competition for the best oral presentation and for the best poster. The winner will be announced during the congress.

Each invited speaker will be asked to provide an extended abstract in March. Specific guidelines will be sent directly to the invited speakers in due time.